hermann Hot Air Seam Sealing Machines
With the hermann Hot air seam sealing machine You choose the innovation: You can make your products in better quality and 30 -100% faster.
While sealing longer parts, the machines are able to seal 240 meters/hour!
Our references: North Face (2000 piece), Columbia, K2, Adidas, Nike, Totonka, Decatlon and 80 other brands. We also do the waterproofing of firefighters, soldiers, policemans clothes and high quality sportswear since 2006. We have the experience, You can count on us!
We don't have options for our machines, we sell the complete machine with all features - but we have unique solutions! Heated upper roller, so it doesn't reduce the heat at the sealing, that's why You can make better quality. We can keep the adjusted temperature in +/-1 degrees. 3 dimensional, electronic nozzle adjusting: quick and accurate adjusting on the HHC 3600 3D and the HHC 7700 4D modell. 4 dimensional seam sealing: seam sealing with no puckering and without stretching on the HHC 7700 4D modell. Electronic tape dispenser for all our modells, so the tape cannot stretch, because it can lead to worse quality and slower production. Accurate tape cutting. Differential fabric feed with two direct drive motors for sealing hood and sleeve.
hermann HHC-7700 4D![]()
hermann HHS-3600 3D![]()
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hermann HHC-3400 DDi